Data entry - Collective group sales
Modified on: Thu, 28 Mar, 2024 at 4:29 PM
On this page you will learn how to register more than one group in commercial farm sales event.
How to include a collective sale of groups?
Management > Farrowing/Nursery/Wean to finish > Data entry > Sales

If you chose to inform the total or average weight per group, next to each group entered, a field will be displayed to inform the weight and the total weight of the sale will be calculated automatically:

Below the total group weight field, the average weight will be displayed and below the average weight field, the total group weight will be displayed. Thus, regardless of the type of weight chosen, the user will still be able to view the values.
To insert or remove groups, simply click on the add or remove buttons:

How to edit a collective sale that has already been launched?
In the sales list, when editing a group, the edit screen for the sale as a whole will be displayed. Using the add and remove buttons in front of the entry, you can include the sale of a group or remove the sale of a group that has already been made.

How to delete a collective sale?
In the sales list, when you click on delete a group, the sales screen with all groups will be displayed. When you click Delete, all sales will be deleted.
To exclude just one group from a collective sale, it must be done by editing.

Attention: Collective sales of several groups do not generate transfers between farms.
Transfers between farms are only generated when a single group is included, editing will not generate the transfer either.
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