July News 2023
Modified on: Wed, 13 Sep, 2023 at 4:51 PM
Check out the news released on S4 on July 2023 here:
S4 Web
1. Sows marked to be culled Notice
2. New Production Map (P+1)
3. Female status in events
4. New stock report
5. Maternity map improvement
6. Improvements in the Genetics module
1. Improved female listing
News on S4 Web!
1. Sows marked to be culled Notice
Looking to help even more the releases, now the system has a marked to be culled notice in the inclusion of mating events, reproductive losses, skip a heat, farrowing and weaning. Now when informing a female, a warning appears informing the marked to be culled:

And always looking to develop the platform for better usability, now the production map has farms for weekly management and group management. This new feature has 4 new features:
a) Setting the group start date
For group management farms, it will be necessary to define the start date of the bands, since they can start during the year and will include certain groups depending on the date. In this way, in Farm > Settings > Bands and Groups a new section was added including a field for defining the date.

Also for customers who use group management, if you have not informed the band's start date, it will not be possible to generate the Production Map. When accessing the functionality, a screen prompt will be displayed for the customer to configure.
b) Production Map functional improvements
The user can now generate empty production map to manually fill in the information.
We improved the nomenclature of the week and year totalizers for Animals delivered week and Animals delivered year to make it clearer what these values refer to.
Now, S4 will display the current value delivered, the projection and the target of the farm.
We've included a totals column to display the total value of indicators across weeks or bands.

We removed the fixed variation of 5% to indicate values above or below the target for the indicators. For the mating target, the user can define the acceptable percentage values above and below the target to indicate on the production map when the results are outside this defined range. The results outside the goal will be signaled with an icon and color red.
The user can now expand the production map so that he can view more information on screen. We've included an Expand button, improving the field of view, especially for laptop users.

3. Female status in events
In order for the user to have more clarity at the time of add an event, we understand that when the female's status appears, it makes it easier to enter data. Therefore, to improve the user experience, we adjusted the message that appeared when a female was not found, explaining better why the female was not able to be add in the event.
How does it work in practice?
Today, in mating, farrowing and weaning events, the list will bring all active sows on the farm, with the exception of fallout ones. So if the user enters a female that is not on the list in the search field, the application will show the feedback.
When selecting a female from the list, the application will validate if the female is fit for the event. If the female is not fit, an error feedback will be displayed and the search field should turn red, informing the last event recorded for the female and the date of that event.
Another warning that greatly facilitates when the customer needs to add the event, is the marked to be culled warning, which when add an event for a marked to be culled sow, S4 will inform the user that the female has a marked to be culled event reported on a given date.

4. New farm inventory report
Always looking to improve the reading of the reports, the purpose of the new herd inventory report is to enable a complete assessment of the inventory of animals on the farm, with an overview and more specific by phase and type of animal.
The new report is assembled according to the production system of each farm.
- The total is now located at the end of cards, bringing greater visual clarity

The new configuration is in thematic analysis format with comparisons and distribution, to facilitate data analysis.

In the table view there was a small change to facilitate understanding, a total column was added, as there were many doubts regarding the number of fallout and hospital, if they were together with the total or not, with this new column it will be clearer to the user.

5. Farrowing map improvement
Now, it is possible to order the listing of breeders by group within the location to facilitate operations within the farm.
How it works? Just go to Management > Farrowing > Analysis Center > Farrowing Map. Select the sorting option (ascending and descending) and S4 will sort the sows within the location. It is also possible to export (pdf, csv and xlsx).

6. Improvements in the Genetics module
Thinking about improving the usability of piglet inspection and piglet management listings, it is now possible for customers to be able to filter the information in more depth.
a) Gender and race filters in the inspection list
The sex and breed filter was added to bring piglets by sex and/or breed, but this information does not appear in the listing as it is not informed at the event.

b) Animal Group filter in piglet management
The Animal Grou filter is applied in the list to bring the piglets that are in a certain group chosen by the user.
Thus, next to the group name will be the phase, as in the example:

S4 App
1. Improved female listing
Now in the S4 app it is possible to access the inventory and listing of the farm's gilts, before the gilts were displayed and counted in the list of open sows. Below the menu, we have the female listings, where we can check the farm's female stock. Now, in the displayed inventory of open ones, only the empty sows will be counted. Piglets will be counted on the new card, 'Piglets'.

When clicking on the card with the stock of gilts, a list of all gilts on the farm will be displayed.

So, once you are in the sows list, regardless of the type of sow being listed, just click on the filter icon and select the option 'Gilts' and the sows list will filter only by sows.
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