May News 2023
Modified on: Fri, 26 May, 2023 at 5:08 PM
Check out the news released on S4 in May 2023 here:
S4 Web
1. Improvements in the Animal Group Card
2. Improvements in the farm tasks
3. Improvements in the phase task list
S4 App
1. Improvement of piglet death in the farrowing
2. Blocking retroactive input (vertical farms)
3. Improvement in the weighing event at Nursery, Finishing and WF
4. Improvement in the piglet death at Nursery, Finishing and WF
News on S4 Web!
1. Improvements in the Animal Group Card
Listening the needs of our customers, new information was included in the header of the animal group file, which is the average birth date information.

2. Improvements in the farm tasks
The tasks lists are fundamental tools that help farms to plan and execute operations inside the farms, that is why, thinking about the needs of our clients, we made some improvements.
2.1 Improvements in the farm tasks
Previously, the registration of tasks for gilts, open sows and pregnant sows were all done together in the Farrowing tab. Now the records of tasks for gilts and open sows are in the Breeding Herd tab.

3. Improvements in the phases tasks list
In order to visually improve the list of tasks, we performed the improvement so that the screens of all phases are more standardized and we included filters and exports.
Now the user can just click on the desired column so that the order that the user decides, such as cycle, location, mating date, appears with priority.
Breeding herd:


The same applies for Nursery, Finishing and WF.
For all phases, date filters are mandatory and the filter limit for start and end dates is 3 months.
It is possible to print the page in PDF, CSV, XLSX and Excel.
S4 App
1. Improvement of piglet death in the farrowing
Now, it's possible to edit a piglet death event from the farrowing as long as it was add within the last 5 days.
1.2 How does it work in practice?
By clicking on the death tab, in the list of piglet deaths on Sow Farm, the editing screen is displayed so that the user can make the necessary adjustments.
Only the “Sow” field will be disabled for editing.

When canceling the operation or exiting the screen, a message will be displayed to the user informing that the data will not be saved. By clicking on the “continue” button, the user returns to the listing.
If you are online using the S4 App:
If editing is successful: The editing screen is closed and the event is displayed synchronized in the list of piglet deaths in Sow Farm.
If there is an error in editing: A message with the error will be displayed on the registration editing screen.
If you are offline using the S4 App:
After entering the data and clicking on the “save” button, the editing screen is closed and the status “Waiting for synchronization” is displayed in the list of piglet deaths at Sow Farm.
Once the data has been synchronized, the entry is displayed with a red border and an error icon .
When clicking on the entry with error, the record editing screen will be displayed with the error message, the same as when using online.
2. Blocking retroactive input (vertical farms)
What are vertical farms? These are farms that are integrated with cooperatives/agribusiness.
In this improvement, it is necessary that the cooperative/agroindustry previously configure in the CORP admin product which will be the blocking rules for its linked producers.
After that, when opening the screen with the list of event entries: death, weighing, feed consumption, consumption of vaccine and medication from Nursery or Finishing, the application will check if there is a blocking configuration regarding the manipulation of data from these events .
If the configuration exists, it will calculate the blocking period. If the date is within the blocking period, an informative message will be displayed to the user, and the editing and deleting actions will automatically become inoperative.
In this case, it is interesting to talk to the responsible technician in your region to understand the company's rules.
3. Improvement in the weighing event at Nursery, Finishing and WF
Now in the S4 App we can edit a weighing record of a given batch, at Nursery, Finishing and WF
How does it work in practice?
By clicking on the weight window, in the weighing list of a given batch at Nursery, Finishing and WF, the editing screen is displayed so that the user can make the necessary adjustments.
The “location” field will be disabled for editing.

When canceling the operation or exiting the screen, a message will be displayed to the user informing that the data will not be saved. By clicking on the “continue” button, the user returns to the listing.
When the application is offline, after the user enters the data and clicks on the “save” button, the editing screen is closed and the card is displayed with the status “Waiting for synchronization” in the weighing list of the piglets in the batch.
Once the data is synchronized, the card is displayed with a red border and an error icon.
4. Improvement in the piglet death at Nursery, Finishing and WF
Now in the S4 app we can edit a death of piglets from a given batch in Nursery, Finishing and WF.
How does it work in practice?
By clicking on the death frame, in the list of piglet deaths in Nursery, Finishing or WF, the editing screen is displayed so that the user can make the necessary adjustments.
Only the “location” field will be disabled for editing.

If successful: The editing screen is closed and the card is displayed synchronized in the list of piglet deaths from Nursery, Finishing or WF.
If error: The feedback with the error will be displayed on the registration editing screen.
When the user is offline, after entering the data and clicking on the “save” button, the editing screen is closed and the status “Waiting for synchronization” is displayed in the list of piglet deaths at Sow Farm.
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