Monitoring flock mortality is a common practice in broiler production. For this, the aviary is daily checked for dead and culled birds. In the same way as in the flock sheet, where the number of dead and culled birds is recorded every day, Agriness P4 allows the farmer to record these data daily, considering:
Dead birds: Birds that were actually found dead in the aviary and had their carcasses removed.
Birds eliminated: Birds that are not following the development of the flock and therefore, must be eliminated. This includes mainly smaller and sick birds.
Death/Cull Section
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Add Section
![]() | To add dead / cull data, follow these steps: 1- Selecione a data/ hora ou a idade do lote do dia o qual você deseja registrar. A aba lançamentos sempre abrirá na data atual. 1- Select the date / time or the flock age that you want to register. The Add section will always open on the current date. 2- Select the option Dead or Culls 3- Digite a quantidade de aves mortas ou eliminadas no campo "00" ou tecle nos botões " + " ou " - " para registrar o número de aves. 3- Enter the number of dead or culled birds in the "00" field or click on the "+" or "-" buttons to register the number of birds. 4- Cick on Add Agriness tip: It is important that the number of dead and culled birds is recorded separately because this separation allows the identification of hatchery/ breeder problems highlighting high cull rates, which appear mainly in the first weeks of placement. |
Data Entry Section
![]() | In the Data Entry section you will have access to a graph that shows the total percentage of mortality (%) according to the age of the flock. In addition, you can also check the total mortality amount from the current moment of the flock in numbers and percentage (shown in the image). Note: Total Mortality refers to the sum amount of dead and culled birds. |
![]() | Below the graph, it is also possible to check the amount of dead and culled birds that were recorded each day, as well as the total mortality of the week and the percentage it represents in the flock (shown in the image). Whenever a mortality data is entered, it is important that the user accesses the Data Entry section to verify that the data was entered correctly and according to the flock sheet. |
![]() | If an incorrect data is found, you can delete this data by pressing the screen over the data you want to delete. After deleting the incorrect data, return to the Add section to insert the data correctly. |
If you have any doubts, please consult our relationship team by chatting on this screen or via:
+55 48 3028-0015
+55 48 9101-4766 (chat only)