October News 2023
Modified on: Fri, 3 Nov, 2023 at 3:36 PM
Check out the news released on S4 on October 2023 here:
S4 Web
1. New effective replacement index
S4 App
1. History of the female's events in the Sow Card.
2. New filters in the notification center.
S4 Web
1. New effective replacement index
What is the effective replacement index?
It is a percentage value that considers the entry of females that were mated in the analyzed period, that is, that entered the herd as active sows (mated sows and females purchased pregnant in cycle 1).
In this way, it is possible to evaluate the real replacement rate of active sows, making it possible to more easily distinguish the number of females that entered the farm and the number of females that were mated in the period and entered as active sows in the herd.
The rate can be checked at:
Farm > Analysis > Farm Performance > Breeding herd > Replacement gilts > % Effective in the period.

S4 App
1. History of the female's events in the Sow Card.
Now, in the history, the user can view details of all zootechnical events from the female's last 3 cycles!
How does it work in practice? The history only works with internet access. So if the user access the history in the sow card and is without internet, this message will be displayed: "You are not connected to the internet, check your connection and try again!".
But if there is an internet connection, the history of the last 3 cycles of the selected female will be displayed.
The cycles will be presented in descending order, that is, the most recent cycle will be at the top of the screen.
Each cycle will have its events displayed within it.

The most recent cycle must be open, showing it's events and the other cycles will be displayed closed. To see details of the cycle events, simply click on the tab you want.

2. New filters in the notification center
There are now external filters, which allows you to filter notifications by period and group.

Once the external filter is applied, it will work on all content tabs below.
The quick filters are cleared and return to their initial status with the “Unread” option. However, if quick filters are applied, they will appear on top of the external filter result.
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