In S4, Economic is focused on the cost of production in pig farming, and its objective is to know how much the producer is spending per kg of piglet produced.

Within the Economic Module there is the Economic Entry.


 1° Click directly on the month and next to it there will be an arrow to ''Import data Management and Input''

This function is used for everything that the client can enter a value in S4: when he buys a female, he can enter a value, when he buys semen, he can enter a value, everything that is entered with a value will be imported.

This function should always be used at the end of the month. That is, if we are in the month of May, on the last day of the month, he can import the data, but it is important to do this only when he is sure that all the data for the month has been entered correctly.

 2º There is also the option to import data referring to a specific item. Just click on the line referring to the item > ''enter value'' and then on ''import data''. That way the customer can see the quantity. In the first form, importing the data automatically, only the cost appears.


❗ In Feed Consumption there are some points of attention. The data will only appear in the Economic Module if the client add Purchase and Consumption, if he add only Purchase, the data will not be imported.

❗ If the client add the same feed twice in the same month, an average will be made in the Economy.

❗ If the customer buys the feed in a month and consumes it in the next month, it will appear in the Economy in the month consumed. This information is also used for Sanity and Warehouse.


You can go to Farm > Settings > Records (basics) > Accounts and click to add in the (+) button


There's two different apportionment format that you can use in the S4 when add a cost.


The first one is REPEAT. If it is a fixed item, an expense that the customer knows will be incurred every month, he can use the REPEAT option.

For example, when entering the January salary, the farm has 12 employees and each one receives $ 2,000.00, thus totaling $ 24,000.00. If the customer clicks on ''Repeat'', and enters 11 months, he will repeat this value in the following months until December. This prevents client from posting this data every month.

Now, if it is an item for which payment will be made more than once, he can use the SPLIT option.

If you click Split, and enter the number 2, it will divide the total amount by the number of months entered. That is, it will launch R$ 12,000.00 in January and R$ 12,000.00 in February


To get a more detailed view of profits and revenues, you can go to Economic > Analysis Center > Economic Performance and in ''Value Type'' select Total Value

It is separated by group and for more information, just click on the groups.

For example:

❗ Revenue: It will show everything that was earned from month to month.

❗ Purchase, Consumption and General Expenses: the expenses

❗ Results: equals the difference in revenue minus costs.

Within the Economic Analysis, we can also see the KG value per piglet sold, which will show the customer how much cost he is having per KG of piglet. There is also a way to see the value per KG of animal sold.

The difference between the two is that:

✔ In the KG of animal sold, considers in addition to the piglets, the part of sale of female and male culling;

✔ In KG per piglet sold, only the batch is considered (weaned, the piglets that left the Nursery and finished)