You must follow these steps:

Farm > Settings > Records > Basics > Clients and Suppliers >

Search for supplier > Edit register > Click on “Generate access key” >

Copy > Save > Icon changes to a key.

The next step is to send it to the client > Client receives > Follow the same steps, pasting the access key you received on required field. 

- What is the access key?

It is a number that links between two farms, allowing the entries to occur automatically.

- How do I generate the access key?

Farm > Settings > Records > Basics > Clients and Suppliers > Search for supplier > Edit register > Click on “Generate access key” > Save > Icon changes to a key.

- What should be the customer or supplier names ? 

It is essential that the access key should be the same, as it links 2 farms. 

You can keep the registration with the name that makes the most sense for your daily life.

- How is the access key sent to the partner farm?

It can be by email, Telegram, Facebook, Phone whichever the most appropriate to customers, and delivering of the access key should be done outside of S4 system.

Will the access key number always be the same or should I generate each new sale?

For each customer/supplier you want to link, there is a different access key, which must be generated once for each.

- What are the possible statuses for the access key?

We have 4 possible stages for the access key, which are:

1 - Generated: as soon as the key is generated, it enters this stage. It will only move to the next stage, active, when the partner farm enters the system and pastes the access key, to confirm the link.

2 - Active: the key was generated and the partner farm already updated the registration

3 - Inactive: the link can be canceled when the two farms decide that they will no longer work together or no longer want to make sales automatically.

4 - Expired: when the farm generates the key, but the partner does not confirm the link in the customer/supplier registration within the period of 7 days. In this case, it is possible to generate a new key.

- After activating the access key, what to do?

Once the access key is activated, the next sales will occur through the integration, where the seller will make the sale and the buyer will receive notification to give acceptance, and the entry of animals will be automatic.