In order to print more than one sow card at the same time, access:

Management > Breeding Herd > Analysis Center > Females List

Once the screen show the list, there will be a check box in front of the females ID: 

At the bottom of the screen there will be a blue stripe counting the amount of cards you are selecting. 

If you want to print all of them, click on the arrow and "select all on this page" 

If you want to print more than 10 cards, scrolling down you can set the page up to 100 sows. 

Once you check all the sows you want, click on "print" and it will create a pdf file, on a new tab, with every sow card you have selected.

On this new tab, click on the printer. If you want to print two cards per page, just click to print and select two or more in "pages for sheet".

If you want to change the sow card setting, click here