How to print more than one sow card at once?
Modified on: Thu, 22 Aug, 2024 at 3:31 PM
In order to print more than one sow card at the same time, access:
Management > Breeding Herd > Analysis Center > Form > Sow Card Form.
Then select the sows cards you want to print by clicking the checkbox next to the female’s identification.

On the page, a blue bar will appear showing the quantity you are selecting.
If you want to print all items on the page, simply click the arrow in that blue field and select "Select All on Page."

If you want to print more than 10 cards, click the option for "Lines per Page" and select how many records you want to display: 10, 20, 40, or 100.

After that, click on "Print," which will open a new screen with the records you selected.
In this new tab, click the printer icon to print the records.
If you want to print more than one record per page, simply click "Print," go to "More Settings," and change "Pages per Sheet" to 2.

If you want to change the sow card settings, click here.
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