The shortcut icon is a tool that helps you speed the process of inputing data. These are some paths that facilitate data filling and can be used easily in S4. 

On the left corner you can locate some acctions accessing:  Management: > phase> overview > Herd inconsistency data. This site is available in every phase and it is a very helpful tool to add data in a quick way.

Management: > phase> overview > Herd inconsistency data it is possible to add mating, register culling, sale and piglet death. There is no need to access the data entry for those events.

On overview> breeding inconsistency data> Breeding you can add a farrow, reproductive loss, culling, sale and sow death.

On overview> farrowing inconsistency data> farrowing you can add a waening.

On overview> Nursery inconsistency data> Nursery you can add sale, piglet death, transfer fo stage and / or other exits.

And the same process for Finishing.