Filter for releases with cause
Modified on: Thu, 23 Nov, 2023 at 5:55 PM
Looking to improve the quality of information within the farm, now for entries where the cause must be informed, only the causes registered for use in the event and the type of animal that were configured will be displayed.
This means that when an event is add, is more practical for the user in selecting the type of cause for that occasion and can later make better decisions based on what was add.
How it works?
See the example: When including a piglet death in the Farrowing and searching for the cause, only the causes that the user configured for use in the death event and for the type of piglet in the farrowing will be listed.

Previously all the causes registered on the farm appeared in the list when posting a piglet death in the farrowing, but now the causes are specific to the type of event and animal in each field that is being released.
How to register causes so that they appear segmented when launched?
Go to Farm > Settings > Records (basic) > Causes, click + to enter a new cause.
On this page it is possible to inform the type of event and animal it will be used for, thus facilitating the launch of causes.

The group, name, type of event and type of animal fields are mandatory. By registering these records, the farm will have increasingly better quality information, providing more assertive decision-making to improve productivity.
Is it possible to segment a previously registered cause?
Yes, just open the list of causes located inFarm > Settings > Records (basic) > Causes.
Next to an already registered cause, simply click on the icon that symbolizes a pencil, so you can select which type of event and animal this cause should be directed towards.

What are all the impacted releases that I can register causes?
Breeding Herd: Culling of gilt/sow/boars - Sale of gilt/sow/boars - Death of gilt/sow/boars.
Farrowing: Death of piglet - Culling of a piglet.
Fallout: Death of fallout
Nursery and Finishing: Piglet death - Transfer between stage - Transfer between groups.
Wean to finish: Piglet death - Transfer between groups.
Genetics: piglets evaluation (rejected).
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